Saturday, August 9, 2014

Over the first hump...

Grateful to be past "hell day."  Today was like a "nothing day."  I didn't want to do anything at all.  My energy is definitely up along with my mood in spite of the "nothingness." Gotta get totally off caffeine now that I'm past the rough part.  Should be easy enough since I'm able to get more sleep & not have to work this weekend.  I'm 1/8 of the way through this.  In the past I've tried to juice for longer periods and there has often been the question of whether I would actually do it or not.  I feel comfortable letting people know what I'm doing & for how long.  I have faith in myself I haven't had before.  That's a nice feeling.  I woke up this morning with a lot of anxiety and overwhelm.  I did a bunch of tapping (EFT) on that.  I really need to figure out what I'm doing about starting school in the Fall. You know, like figure out where I'm going & what I'm doing & all that good stuff.  I just felt really short-circuited about it all because time is running out to get registered.

For more info on tapping check this out:

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