Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Transition time

I got through Day 1.  That in itself was a success.  I felt a lot of wanting for various food items.  It was challenging to be at work and be creating fabulous food without tasting it.  I just have to accept that I will need to put food to my lips minimally to be able to get flavors right.  Apparently my bread pudding is better than ever. :)  So that's positive.  I was fairly irritable yesterday and had to keep reminding myself that I will feel much better around Day 4.  I also found that I got hungry in the evening in spite of having about 5 quarts of fresh juice.   Other than that, it was good.  I feel very supported in my juicing endeavor.

So here's what not to do.  Put yourself in a position where you don't get nearly enough sleep.  5 hours is what I got last night.  Then work 2 jobs for a total of 12 hours on your feet.  That's what my Day 2 looks like.  This is where compassion for self enters the picture.  I am giving myself these first 4 days or so, which are always the toughest, to not be totally perfect.  People do juicing different ways but ultimately this is MY juice feast and I set the parameters for myself. Last night I got really hungry with a few hours left to go so I got a chia kombucha.  It's important to get enough calories.  The last thing I want is for my body to think I'm starving it again.  I am also giving myself some slack with caffeine these first few days.  Getting off caffeine is rough business and I need to be able to function and be nice to the people I am around all day. I know from experience that I need to be completely free from caffeine to get the benefits I am looking for, but I'm giving myself a little transition room here.  I'm not talking Red Bull here, just some caffeinated tea.

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